Getting a divorce in Calgary NW? You’ll need top-notch representation to make sure that your divorce settlement or final decree has terms you can live with.
Our team is full of dedicated family law negotiators and litigators who have extensive experience navigating complex divorces. We’re ready to help you resolve all the major issues of an Alberta divorce. We’re passionate about protecting your interests throughout the process.
Calgary NW High Net Worth Divorce
Our law firm has a long track record of helping high net worth individuals manage complex asset profiles during the divorce process. We’re especially adept at helping to ensure that vital income-bearing assets such as companies, ranch lands, and investment accounts continue to function.
For example, we’ve helped many of Alberta’s cattle ranchers handle the division of property in a way that keeps their ranches from folding. Being forced to sell off certain equipment or to give parcels of land to a spouse can cripple a ranch, so we come armed with solutions that keep your land working hard for you while allowing you to meet the demands of Alberta family law. We also understand how to value property with variable worth, such as livestock, ensuring that you aren’t penalized by an undervaluation or overvaluation of ranch assets.
We’ve also helped oil and gas professionals who have many of their assets tied up in corporate shares or whose income is not exactly as straightforward as a paycheck ensure that they are not imputed an income that is disadvantageous to their ability to manage their lives. Imputed income can greatly increase child and spousal support obligations to an unfair degree. We keep things just and fair by making a solid case for ensuring your monthly obligations don’t exceed your actual cash flow.
Calgary NW Division of Property Lawyers
Alberta law allows each spouse to take 50% of the marital property. That means the marital home, bank accounts, pensions, other retirement or investment accounts, cottages, cabins, vacation, and rental homes, complex company structures, tax avoidance vehicles, and more.
It is impossible to get through the divorce process with everything, but it’s not impossible to protect the assets you care most about controlling, such as the business that you built from the ground up or the ranch that’s been in your family for generations.
If you have international assets then you can turn to us as well: we know how to handle those to ensure that they’re managed correctly throughout the process.
Our high net worth clients trust us both to retain the value of their assets and to manage the tax consequences of any asset division plan. Don’t take on a greater share of the tax burden then you have to. Allow us to negotiate a deal that works.
Calgary NW Child Support Lawyers
Child support is only straightforward when you have two parents who are making a regular, steady, predictable income. High net worth earners and entrepreneurs have an entirely different issues to tackle. At that point, accurately pinpointing income and negotiating a child support settlement that the courts will accept does take some finesse.
In addition, individuals who earn over $150,000 are permitted to deviate, in some cases, from federal child support guidelines.
In some cases it may be important to negotiate more child support, or to manage negotiation for special expenses like ongoing healthcare expenses or private school tuition.
We take an in-depth look at your family’s circumstances and use that information to help you craft a child support plan that protects both your kids and your finances.
Calgary NW Spousal Support Lawyers
We’ve helped both the high-earning member of a couple and the potential recipient of spousal support receive fair deals on spousal support claims. Our team understands the stresses and fears that can arise during a spousal support negotiation, and we do everything in our power to help you secure your future.
We come armed with points for negotiation, alternatives to monthly spousal support, and other techniques that can help you resolve this issue during the settlement stage, rather than taking it to a court where the judge is likely to make fast decisions and order support based strictly on formulas and the judge’s own determination of what is owed. Judges simply do not have time to get an in-depth understanding of your family structure or what might serve you and your family best.
Fortunately we’re savvy negotiators who can help navigate this highly contentious issue. Turn to us to find out what options might be available to you for negotiating an appropriate spousal support amount.
Calgary NW Child Custody & Visitation Lawyers
There is nothing more terrifying than the thought that you might lose your children to divorce.
Our team understands. That’s why we fight hard to help you preserve your relationship with your children. We know how to turn Alberta custody and visitation law to your advantage.
We care deeply about ensuring that the eventual custody and access arrangements are within your children’s best interests. We also care deeply about helping to protect children from abusive, neglectful, or unfit parents.
If you have concerns about custody or access, share them with us. Our team is ready to help.
Why choose us?
We help entrepreneurs, executives, land owners, ranchers, farmers, and investors navigate the major issues of their divorces.
Our lawyers have decades of experience in this field, and have helped thousands of Albertans secure divorce settlements that protect their lives and futures. We are a full-service law firm, which means you’re also dealing with lawyers who have a solid backing in real estate law and business law. This gives us additional tools that we can use to craft sophisticated solutions to your most pressing issues.
Tell us what your goals are for the divorce: what property you’re hoping to keep, what custody arrangements you’re hoping to see, what’s most important to you. We’ll work hard to make it happen.
Call (403) 237-7777 to schedule your appointment today.