Denied a visa? In danger of being deported?
The immigration lawyers at Merchant Law are here to help. Our experienced Calgary Immigration Appeals Lawyers can help you get a second chance at your visa or permit. We can also help you contest a removal order.
You are unlikely to win your appeal without help from experienced lawyers. Ours have a decades-long track record of success. Call us fast to get the process started.
How long does an appeal take in Alberta?
It depends on the case. Each case goes through several steps.
The first step is filing the appeal, which must be done within thirty days of receiving your refusal. This prompts the government to take the next step, which is to prepare your records and send them to your lawyer. They are required to do this within 45 days.
Some cases don’t go to court. They go through the Alternative Dispute Resolution process instead. This might mean early resolution for your case. If your case is chosen for ADR then your ADR date will be six to nine months after the Appeals Division selects the case for this option.
Your case might be resolved during ADR. If it isn’t, it might proceed to a court hearing. It may be up to one year before you receive your day in court.
What are the chances of winning immigration appeal?
Everything depends on the facts of your case, and some of it will be arguable both for and against you. This is one of the reasons why you need an experienced immigration lawyer on your side. Appeals aren’t as simple as filling out a form.
Your lawyer can also advise you on what you can be doing between making the appeal and your eventual decision date that might help you strengthen your case. Your actions will matter and will be taken into account. The reasons for your denial will also play a big role in your case.
Why Merchant Law?
When you’re making an appeal you want to give yourself your best possible chances of success. The team at Merchant Law helps you do this. Our lawyers have a long track record of helping people just like you win their appeals and start their new lives in Canada.
We’re also happy to help with other immigration matters. Just set an appointment and bring your questions. We’ll be happy to go over your situation with you and help you determine your next steps.
Call (403) 237-7777 to get started today.