Ottawa Endoscope Class Action

ALL PUTATIVE CLASS MEMBERS should download and review the issued Court Order of January 13, 2025 which is available in PDF by click: Download Here.

Notice of Discontinuance

This is an important Legal Notice regarding a proposed class action against Dr. Christiane Farazli and C. Farazli Medicine Professional Corporation

On November 3, 2011, a proposed class action (the “Claim”) was commenced by Jean-Francois Farjon and Rebecca Soroka (Court File No. CV 11-52738) alleging infection prevention and control failures (“IPAC”) at a clinic operated by Dr. Christiane Farazli and C. Farazli Medicine Professional Corporation (the “Clinic’). The Claim alleged that, as a result of these IPAC failures, patients at the Clinic had been exposed to the risk of contracting certain viral infections.

Jean-Francois Farjon and Rebecca Soroka were replaced as the proposed representative plaintiffs by Fern McGee on May 19, 2016.

The Ontario Courts have declined to certify the Claim as a class action.

Instead, the above proposed class action was discontinued by Order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on January 13, 2025, pursuant to s. 29 of the Class Proceedings Act, 1992. This proposed class action is therefore no longer being pursued nor litigated by Ms. McGee and her legal counsel (Merchant Law Group LLP).

When a proposed class action is commenced, the limitation period(s) [time limits] for starting individual lawsuits against the Defendants are temporarily suspended for potential class members until such time as the class action is adjudicated, dismissed, or discontinued.  Due to the discontinuance of the above class action, effective January 13, 2025, the limitation period(s) are no longer suspended. 

No further legal steps concerning this matter will be undertaken by Merchant Law Group LLP.  However, if you have any questions regarding this Notice, please contact Merchant Law Group LLP at [email protected].

This Notice has been approved by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

Please do not contact the Courthouse if you have questions regarding this Notice. Please instead contact the law firm referenced above.