Roundup Class Action Canada

Version française ci-dessous.

Round Up Class Action

Merchant Law Group LLP is pursuing class action litigation against Bayer Canada regarding Roundup (as sold across Canada since 1976 by Bayer/Monsanto) on behalf of residents in Canada who have had “Significant Exposure” to using Roundup and then developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

This class action seeks financial compensation for Canadian residents (including individuals who have died) who developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after “Significant Exposure” to Roundup.  

Please note, “Significant Exposure” has been defined within this class action litigation as: having used Roundup (a) on ‘more than two occasions in a 12-month period’ and (b) on more than 10 occasions in a person’s lifetime.

If you or a loved one (while a Canadian resident) developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after “Significant Exposure” to Roundup, and you wish to be kept informed as to the status of this class action, please join our contact list for the Roundup Class Action by completing the contact form below – or call our law offices at 1-866-982-7777 for a free consultation about your legal rights

This class action litigation asserts that the active ingredient in Roundup products, glyphosate, is a human carcinogen that has been associated with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The claim alleges that the defendants knew or ought to have known that Significant Exposure to Roundup products can cause cancer; but the defendants distributed and/or sold Roundup products nonetheless and failed to warn users and the public about those cancer risks. 

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a rare blood cancer that starts in the body’s immune system. Numerous reports have linked this cancer to glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp. Numerous reports also link it to chromosomal and DNA damage in cells, as well as other types of blood-related cancers.

A review by the University of Washington found that agricultural professionals exposed to glyphosate have a 41% higher risk of contracting Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma than those with low or no exposure. It is getting harder and harder for Bayer to claim that this product is “perfectly safe” and does not cause cancer. There is overwhelming proof that it does.

Merchant Law Group, LLP and our representative plaintiffs have been leading the way in Canadian litigation, in terms of pursuing compensation for victims of RoundUp-related Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

According to The Wall Street Journal, approximately 9,300 home gardeners, landscapers, farmers, and farm workers in the United States have sued Bayer on the grounds that RoundUp is a carcinogenic product that they’ve knowingly continued to release to the public.  Monsanto failed to label RoundUp with the appropriate warnings. They failed to provide instructions on how handle this hazardous product.

Merchant Law Group LLP has 10 offices across Canada, with lawyers practising law in six provinces.  Merchant Law Group LLP is well-known for pursuing class action lawsuits in Canada including successful litigation regarding Winners/HomeSense, GM Gasket Manifolds, Maple Leaf Foods, Celebrex/Bextra, Vioxx, Sony, Residential Schools and various other consumer protection cases.  Our dedicated team of more than 30 litigation lawyers includes Tony Merchant QC, who is known as one of Canada’s most active litigators with more than 850 reported cases in leading Caselaw Journals, having argued thousands of cases before Superior Courts, the Courts of Appeal, the Federal Court of Canada, and the Supreme Court of Canada.  Tony Merchant QC has a long history in pursuing public policy cases and is a former Member of the Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.)

If you or a loved one contracted Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after making significant use of RoundUp products, please contact one of our lawyers immediately at 1-866-982-7777 for a free consultation about your legal rights or TO JOIN THE CONTACT LIST REGARDING THIS CLASS ACTION, PLEASE COMPLETE THE BELOW FORM. (Please note, providing your contact information creates no lawyer-client relationship or financial obligation. You are not charged any fee or cost for joining the contact list for this class action.)

Version française:

Recours Collectif Round-Up

Le lymphome non hodgkinien est un cancer du sang rare qui prend naissance dans le système immunitaire de l’organisme. De nombreux rapports ont établi un lien entre ce cancer et le glyphosate, l’ingrédient actif du RoundUp.

Un recours collectif contre Monsanto désormais possession de Bayer, concernant les allégations selon lesquelles leur produit herbicide RoundUp® pourrait causer le lymphome non hodgkinien.

Dewayne Johnson, atteint d’un lymphome non hodgkinien, a poursuivi Mosanto lors d’un procès aux États-Unis. La décision du jury fut que la société Bayer était responsable du cancer de M. Johnson. Il était en phase terminale et le jury lui accorda 289 millions de dollars de dommages et intérêts.

Selon le Wall Street Journal, environ 9 300 jardiniers amateurs, paysagistes, agriculteurs et ouvriers agricoles des États-Unis ont poursuivi Bayer au motif que le Roundup était cancérogène.

Merchant Law Group LLP est un cabinet spécialisé en action collectif basé à Montréal.

Des poursuites aux États-Unis allèguent que dès les années 1980, Monsanto (désormais détenue par Bayer dans une fusion de 66 milliards de dollars) était au courant des propriétés cancérogènes du glyphosate. Le glyphosate est un ingrédient actif de RoundUp®. Le 10 août 2018, un jury de San Francisco a ordonné au géant chimique Monsanto de verser 289 millions de dollars à un jardinier d’école souffrant d’un cancer en phase terminale après avoir utilisé Roundup® l’un des désherbants les plus populaires au monde.

Déjà des jurés aux États-Unis se sont prononcés en faveur de M. Johnson. Dans cette affaire, le jury américain avait conclu que Monsanto avait agi avec malveillance et par négligence pour ne pas avoir averti M. Johnson des risques de cancer dont Monsanto était au courant et qui étaient liés au Roundup et plus particulièrement à son ingrédient clé, le glyphosate.

Ce recours collectif allége que le RoundUp® et/ou le glyphosate sont défectueux, dangereux pour la santé humaine, impropres à être commercialisés et vendus ni n’ont été accompagnés des avertissements et des instructions appropriés concernant les dangers associés à son utilisation en particulier aux citoyens du Québec.