A 1000+ kilogram car has just hit you and your bicycle. Was the driver negligent? If so, you are entitled to compensation for your pain, suffering, and financial losses associated with the crash.
You’d think that getting this compensation would be fairly straightforward, given a bike is no match for a car. In reality, a bicycle case can grow very complex very quickly. You’ll need an experienced bicycle accident lawyer to help you navigate the process successfully.
What to Expect in a Bicycle Case
You can expect the driver’s insurance company to fight you tooth and nail. They want to pay you as little as possible, and the easiest way for them to do that is to prove the accident is somehow your fault.
It’s not impossible. Bicycle riders are bound by the rules of the road just like motorists are. If you ran a light and sped out in front of a driver who couldn’t see you, for example, then the courts could name you as the negligent party.
Proving the driver was negligent can be harder than you think. For one thing, there’s a stigma against cyclists. If you’ve ever dealt with hostility from local motorists, then you know exactly what we’re talking about. There are plenty of people who think roads are for cars and cars alone.
Second, it’s often hard for cyclist victims to help their own case directly after the crash. Most are too injured to gather the motorist’s contact information or to take photos of the scene. Many Bicycle riders are even unconscious, which means all they can do is passively accept medical care.
The only way you can really help or strengthen your case is to call a lawyer the moment you are conscious enough to do so. To retain one before the insurance company starts trying to contact you, so that you may direct insurance company representatives straight to your lawyer.
You don’t even have to file the claim yourself. You can let your lawyer do that while you focus on healing. This helps ensure you don’t make any mistakes—mistakes insurance adjusters and other representatives are all too happy to help you make.
Was Your Loved One Killed in a Bicycle Crash?
If your parent, child, or spouse was killed by a motorist then you are eligible for wrongful death benefits. These benefits can help compensate you for:
Medical expenses incurred while emergency personnel attempted to save your loved one’s life.
- Funeral expenses.
- The loss of your loved one’s income.
- The loss of your loved one’s services, like child care.
- The loss of your loved one’s companionship.
Money can’t alleviate the grief you’re suffering from, but it can help you manage your household and pay your bills during this difficult time. It can also hold the negligent party accountable for taking your loved one from you.
How to Get a Lawyer With Merchant Law
Call (403) 225-7777 to schedule your no-obligation case review today. Our top notch lawyers will review the facts of your case and go over your next steps.
We have a long track record of helping clients just like you get the money they deserve for their bicycle accidents. We can help you, too.