Spinal injuries are usually major and life-altering. Many of our clients have suffered from paraplegia or quadriplegia as a result of vehicle accidents or slip-and-fall accidents.
Even those who can still walk often suffer from chronic pain which can impact their ability to pursue a career or enjoy life.
Spinal injuries often require years of medical care that Medicare won’t cover. If someone else’s negligence caused your spinal injury, you can pursue compensation for your losses.
Why You Need Legal Help
In an accident, you’ll either be dealing with a property insurance company, a liability insurance company, or an auto insurance company. In all three cases, these companies are doing their best to pay you as little as possible.
To this end, they’re going to try to make the case that the accident was your responsibility, and not the defendants. The more successful they are at this, the less they have to pay you.
They may disagree about the extent of your injuries and the extent to which your injuries impact your life. The more they can downplay these things, the less they have to pay you.
Paying you as little as possible is the number one goal. Otherwise you could just file your claim and get your money!
Instead, you have to dodge insurance personnel who are going to try to trick you into saying things that weaken your case. Worse, they may try to encourage you to sign statements which can tank your case entirely. They may make lowball offers that are nowhere near what you could receive for your spinal injuries, and which don’t begin to cover your expenses.
When you have a lawyer by your side, you can avoid major mistakes. You can send all these insurance people straight to your lawyer.
Meanwhile, your lawyer will be working hard to build your case.
Often, you will begin at a disadvantage simply because in many cases it’s very hard for someone who has taken a spinal injury to help their own case. If the injury knocked you unconscious, then you had no chance to gather witness information or to take photographs of the scene. The defence gets a head start at crafting their narrative.
That’s why we recommend you research, choose, and retain a lawyer as soon as you are medically able to do so. This helps you close the gap while giving you the chance to focus on healing.
Why Merchant Law?
We’re tough lawyers with a long track record of resolving spinal injury cases in a plaintiff’s favor. Often, we are able to get eight to ten times more money for our clients than they could have gotten on their own, even after lawyer’s fees are accounted for.
It costs you nothing out-of-pocket to retain our services. We don’t get paid until you do.
Get started today. Claim your no-obligation case evaluation by calling (403) 225-7777 today.