Have you been injured in an accident with a large commercial truck? You can hold the negligent truck driver and the driver’s employer accountable for your injuries.
You’ll need an experienced truck lawyer to do it. Truck accident cases are some of the toughest, most complex cases a personal injury lawyer will ever face. It pays to work with a lawyer who specializes in this area of the law.
You’ll find plenty of seasoned professionals here at Merchant Law. We have a long track record of helping truck accident victims get the compensation they need and deserve.
Forms of Truck Company Negligence
One of the reasons it pays to have an experienced truck accident lawyer is we know exactly how to examine all of the evidence to find all the ways the negligent parties failed in their duty of care. In a truck accident case, the traffic facts or the driver’s conduct aren’t the only factor.
For example, trucking companies have an obligation to hire responsible, safe employees. Instead, many fail to run background checks or take unsuitable candidates who they know they can exploit. They also have an obligation to train those truckers. After all, they’re sending them out to drive a vehicle that’s 11 times heavier than the average passenger vehicle. It makes sense that the company that’s doing this and profiting this should be held to a high standard of care.
Overwork is another common cause of accidents. Trucking companies often demand results from their drivers that force them to break Canada’s trucking laws, which say they can only be behind the wheel for 13 hours a day and may only work 70 hours in any 7 day period. That’s a lot of time as it is, but companies who run trucks are often greedy and short-sighted. Driving tired can make a driver more dangerous than driving drunk, but many of these companies just don’t care.
Examining the logs, knowing the standards, and digging into the trucking company’s practice can be quite fruitful.
Maintenance and loading issues can create another point of failure. If the trucking company cut corners by failing to engage in normal, industry-approved maintenance practices we can hold them accountable for that.
How Truck Cases Get Complicated
These big companies throw a lot of resources at their defense, and do everything they can to avoid paying as much as possible.
Meanwhile, many plaintiffs start at a disadvantage. It’s hard to take pictures at the scene or even to know exactly what happened if you were knocked unconscious by the blow. In some cases we’re serving the loved ones of a driver who got killed by the truck, which means they weren’t even there. The trucking company gets a head start.
Experienced lawyers know exactly how to work around this situation, and can help you win.
How to Get Started
Just call (604) 535-7777, or visit our office at 6337 198 St. #101, Langley City, BC. Ask to schedule a free consultation with one of our top-notch truck accident lawyers.
You don’t need any money out of pocket to get us working on your case. We work on contingency, which means we don’t get paid unless you do. The call is risk free, and the faster you do it the stronger your case will become. Call now.