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Lethbridge Bicycle Accident Lawyer


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    Drivers are often quite aggressive with cyclists. There are a few who believe cyclists shouldn’t be on the road.

    Tragically, this can result in major accidents between cyclists and drivers.

    Though there would seem to be no contest as to who would be at-fault in these accidents, the truth is, cyclists must fight to receive compensation for their injuries like anyone else. Often, the fight is much harder than it would be for the driver of another passenger car.


    Why You Need a Lawyer Right Away

    The driver’s insurance company is going to do everything it can do to pin the blame for the accident on the cyclist.

    This is possible because cyclists are bound to traffic laws just like drivers are. If the insurance company can prove you broke those laws, then it will have to pay you a lot less. The limited accident benefits alloted to at-fault cyclists is rarely enough to cover their injuries.


    Two Things Work in the Insurance Company’s Favor

    First, the aforementioned stigma against cyclists. This bias can make it harder to prove that you were not the reason for the accident.

    Second, cyclists struck by cars aren’t often in any shape to help their cases. They can’t always gather witness contact information, exchange insurance, or take photos. Often, they are unconscious, or in so much pain that they’re not even sure what’s going on in those crucial moments after a collision.

    You need a firm, experienced advocate who can help you protect your interests and argue your case.

    The team at Merchant Law has a long track record of winning cyclist cases. We have the resources to help you press your claim successfully so you can get the compensation you deserve.


    Wrongful Death Claims

    Sadly, many bicycle accidents result in the death of the cyclist. When this happens, the family is often left with significant struggles and expenses.

    If you’re the parent, child, or spouse of a cyclist who has been killed in an automobile accident, then you have the right to press a wrongful death claim. This allows you to receive compensation for medical expenses, funeral expenses, the loss of your loved one’s income, and the loss of the loved one’s family services.

    Getting this compensation isn’t easy. The insurance company is just as happy to pin blame on a deceased cyclist as it is on a live one. Get the help you need by calling Merchant Law as soon as you know you have a potential case.


    Getting Started

    Call to schedule a risk-free consultation. You won’t have to pay any money out-of-pocket. Personal injury lawyers receive a percentage of the award only when you receive a settlement or a favorable verdict. Even after this percentage is accounted for, you are likely to receive far more money with our help than you would by attempting to handle your claim on your own.

    Call (403) 219-0196 to schedule a consultation today.

    Please note: The information provided on this website is Not Legal Advice. The information may or may not be accurate. The information is for discussion purposes only. Reliance upon any information provided would not be grounds to advance a claim against Merchant Law for providing any advice. In order to get a formal legal opinion upon which you may rely about any specific fact scenario, you would have to first retain the services of a lawyer and request a formal legal opinion.