Regina law enforcement officers are relentless in their pursuit of drug offenders. If you have been the target of one of their investigations then you will need help from a skilled lawyer right away.
The criminal defence lawyers at Merchant Law have the skills you need to face your drug charge head on. We have helped hundreds of indicted defendants deal with the charges against them. In some cases we can even get charges dismissed or reduced. When we can’t, we fight hard for your acquittal.
Remember, if you’re being accused of a drug crime you have the right to remain silent. The very best thing you can do is to exercise it, and then to ask for a lawyer right away. Do not talk to the police! They are not your friends and they will not let you go if your story seems reasonable enough.
Drug Possession Charges
Possessing any drug listed in the Criminal Code may be sent to prison for up to 7 years. On a second offense they may be fined an additional $2000.
It is rare for law enforcement to stop at a possession charge. It is often one of several charges levied against a defendant who has gotten arrested on drug charges. Even if this isn’t true in your case you should still take these charges very seriously indeed.
Drug Trafficking Charges
If you’re being charged with drug trafficking you’re being accused of selling, administering, giving, transferring, transporting, sending, or delivering a controlled substance. You can even be convicted for offering to do any of these things.
As you can see it’s very easy to be brought up on a drug trafficking charge. If you are bringing some to a friend’s house and you share, you’ve both transported drugs, and you’ve given them. You do not have to be a major drug dealer to be brought up on trafficking charges.
Drug trafficking charges may come with up to ten years of jail time.
Why Merchant Law?
Our team of experienced criminal defence lawyers know exactly how to defend your case. We start by going over the entire investigation with a fine-tooth comb. We look at police conduct, to see if they took the time to get a proper search warrant and restricted their search to the terms of the warrant. We check for any other source of doubt in the evidence, and work hard to get it excluded.
In cases where the Crown’s evidence is weak we work to get the case dismissed. If we can’t do that we may try to get the charges reduced. Yet when our case is strong our tough trial lawyers work to make it even stronger, which increases your chances of being acquitted.
Drug charges can change your life. Once your prison sentence is complete you are likely to have trouble finding employment and housing. It’s imperative that you invest in the strongest defence you can.
Is the Merchant Law team right for you? Call Merchant Law to consult with a lawyer now. Call (306) 359-7777