Saskatchewan takes firearms charges very seriously. Weapons charges come with mandatory minimum sentences of five years in prison on the first offense and seven on the second. The maximum sentence is 14 years, but these charges are often tacked on to other charges, creating longer sentences and increasing the prosecution’s chance of a win.
Our defence team can help. Our lawyers are skilled at helping people like you get weapons charges dropped, reduced, or dismissed. We’re also highly-prepared trial lawyers who work hard to get acquittals when trial becomes the only option.
Types of Firearms Charges
It is legal to own guns in Saskatchewan, but only if you have the proper permit. If you don’t and conceal the weapon then you could be charged with “carrying a concealed weapon.” If you don’t have a license to own the gun then you can also be charged with illegal possession of a firearm. The same is true for owning firearms covered by Canada’s firearm bans. For example, “assault-style” firearms are banned throughout Canada.
If you are on probation than owning firearms or using them is a probation violation that can result in new criminal charges.
In addition, firearms charges are added to other charges if you were caught committing a crime with a firearm. The sentences do compound, and the multiple charges can make your case more difficult and complex.
How Merchant Law Can Help
There are several ways that we can help you defend your firearms case.
The first is to examine police conduct leading up to the charge. How did they find the weapon? Did they have probable cause to stop your vehicle, or to look inside their home? Did they have your permission for a search, or a warrant?
Evidence that was gathered outside the boundaries of the law can be rendered inadmissible and can create major problems with the prosecution’s case.
We can also show you did have a right to carry the firearm, that you didn’t have the firearm in the first place, and that you did not commit other crimes you were accused of committing.
This all assumes, of course, that the evidence is in your favor. In other cases it may be appropriate to use plea bargaining to seek a reduction in charges.
Why Merchant Law?
When you work with Merchant Law you’re choosing to trust one of the most experienced legal teams in Saskatchewan. Our Regina office is full of top-notch defence lawyers with a proven success record.
Every case is different and no case is certain, but you increase your odds of winning when you put your trust in us.
Not sure if we’re the right lawyers for you? Reach out to us today. You’ll be matched with your defence lawyer, get a chance to ask questions, and can get a sense of what your next steps should be.
Don’t let today’s mistake ruin your life tomorrow. Call Merchant Law to consult with a lawyer now. Call (306)-359-7777