The Offence of Dangerous Driving in Canada – Speed is not Enough
Were you charged with dangerous driving in Canada? Just because you were going 120km/h in an 80 zone, speed alone is not a determining factor in assessing whether or not your driving was “dangerous”.
Dangerous driving is a criminal offence in Canada, but one that rests on the circumstances of the case. Consult with a capable and experienced Saskatoon dangerous driving charges lawyer now (306) 653-7777 and see how our Saskatoon dangerous driving defence lawyers can help you with your case.
For many driving is an everyday necessity however dangerous driving charges can lead to the revoking or suspension of your licence to drive. A dangerous driving charge can carry a prison sentence of up to 5 years depending on the severity of the incident. Alternatively when dangerous driving causes injury it is strictly an indictable offense carrying a punishment of up to 10 years in prison.
You will no doubt wish to have the very best Saskatoon criminal defence lawyers on your side. There are many good lawyers to choose from and it would be impossible for any one criminal defence lawyer or law firm in Saskatoon to posit that they are necessarily the best Saskatoon criminal defence lawyers.
All we can really say is that our Saskatoon dangerous driving lawyers and Saskatoon criminal lawyers team are good, knowledgeable, and experienced. You should consult with a few different lawyers prior to deciding which ones you are most comfortable with and determine for yourself who is the best Saskatoon criminal lawyer to fight your dangerous driving charges on your behalf.
Dangerous driving does not just include automobiles, all vehicles are included by definition of the Criminal Code of Canada:
(1) Every one commits an offence who operates
(a) a motor vehicle in a manner that is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature, condition and use of the place at which the motor vehicle is being operated and the amount of traffic that at the time is or might reasonably be expected to be at that place;
(b) a vessel or any water skis, surf-board, water sled or other towed object on or over any of the internal waters of Canada or the territorial sea of Canada, in a manner that is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature and condition of those waters or sea and the use that at the time is or might reasonably be expected to be made of those waters or sea;
(c) an aircraft in a manner that is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature and condition of that aircraft or the place or air space in or through which the aircraft is operated; or
(d) railway equipment in a manner that is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature and condition of the equipment or the place in or through which the equipment is operated.
(2) Every one who commits an offence under subsection (1)
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; and
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
In short – the legal test for establishing a conviction for dangerous driving is – was the Accused’s driving, a “marked departure” from that expected of a reasonable person?
In determining if there was a marked departure, the courts have looked the road conditions; visibility; the driver’s manner of driving; the driver’s speed; and other factors.
Speed alone is not sufficient to secure a conviction for dangerous driving. If you are
charged with dangerous driving or another criminal charge under the Criminal Code, it is very important that you consider consulting a lawyer.
Your rights may be affected and it is necessary for you to have an experienced and competent Criminal Defence Lawyer to provide you with legal advice and protect your legal rights.
If you were charged with dangerous driving elsewhere in Saskatchewan we can still help you. We have three offices across the province. Our Saskatoon office can help those located in:
Kindersley, Melfort, Tisdale, Prince Albert, Humboldt, Nipawin, North Battleford, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Canora, Esterhazy, Martensville, Warman, Rosetown, Outlook, Watrous, Dalmeny, Osler, Langham, Rosthern, and Delisle.
Call by phone, write us with the form provided, or drop by our offices located at 224 4th Ave S, Suite 501, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C5. We are here to help.
Common Traffic Offences / Moving Violations for Professional Truck Drivers
Our office recognizes and respects the importance of a clean driving record. We have represented dozens of professional drivers who have successfully challenged Police testimony to secure acquittals for our clients.
If you are charged with any of the following moving violations, and you are concerned for your driving abstract, consult with one of our experienced traffic ticket lawyers today:
- Passing a pulled over emergency with its lights activated, exceeding 60 km/h.
- Red camera ticket.
- Speeding camera ticket.
- Speeding radar ticket.
- Failure to remain at scene of accident.
- Failing to properly wear Seat belt.
- Cell phone / Distracted driving.
- etc
Protect your Perfect Driving Record – Protect your Rights – Lawyer up.
When you are charged with a traffic violation such as speeding, distracted driving, or passing a pulled over emergency vehicle with its lights activated exceeding 60 km/h — you are given a right to a trial, a right that you should consider exercising.
If you want to protect your driving record, call an experienced Saskatoon traffic offence lawyer. Don’t pay the ticket. Don’t show up to Court and plead guilty with an explanation. Talk to us first.
The only way to maintain your perfect driving abstract is for us to prove you are not guilty, by going to trial.
If you are serious about protecting your driving record – hire an experienced traffic ticket lawyer to defend you in Court. Our experienced Saskatoon traffic ticket lawyers will:
- Challenge the witness testimony – including challenging what the Officer saw; his notes; and his memory.
- Raise disclosure issues – was the radar calibrated? When was it calibrated?
- Prepare and succeed at trial – when you have a lawyer with you in Court, this shows the Prosecutor you mean business.
If you have received a traffic ticket and wish to fight it and maintain a good driving record, it is of utmost importance that you consider consulting a traffic ticket defence lawyer, such as one of our skilled Saskatoon traffic ticket lawyers.
Your rights may be affected and it is therefore advisable for you to have an experienced and competent Saskatoon traffic ticket defence Lawyer to provide you with legal advice and protect your legal rights.
Points on your licence can affect your insurance, can affect your work if you drive for work, and in extreme cases you can lose your licence altogether, particularly after repeated traffic tickets and alleged traffic violations.
Allegations are only allegations until they are proven in traffic court. In many cases, an effective settlement can be reached on or before the day set for the trial. Settlements can sometimes be achieved with no points registered against your driver’s licence.
This can be so important for anyone who needs their car or truck for work or anyone concerned about points and increased insurance costs etc. Particularly long haul truck drivers have to be wary about racking up points on their licence as it can affect their livelihood making it that much more serious.
You should have experienced traffic ticket lawyers defending you when the chance of being found guilty can have such far reaching consequences. Our Saskatoon traffic offences and traffic tickets lawyers handle cases all over Saskatchewan including any traffic offences, tickets, or other violations.
Our Saskatoon traffic tickets lawyers work all over Saskatchewan. For example we can help you if you are searching for a traffic or speeding ticket lawyer in any of the areas surrounding Saskatoon such as:
Kindersley, Melfort, Tisdale, Prince Albert, Humboldt, Nipawin, North Battleford, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Canora, Esterhazy, Martensville, Warman, Rosetown, Outlook, Watrous, Dalmeny, Osler, Langham, Rosthern, and Delisle.
How to Get in Touch
Call us today (306)-653-7777. Alternatively you can use the form on this webpage to send us an email. Or else pay us a visit at our office in downtown Saskatoon located at: #920-410 22nd Street East, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5T6. We can help you!