Saskatoon Drug Offences Lawyer


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    Saskatoon Drug Trafficking Defence Lawyers

    Have you been charged with drug trafficking? If so, it critically important that you speak to and retain an experienced criminal defence lawyer ASAP. Call us now for a free and confidential discussion about your case.

    A Saskatoon drug lawyer will not just help you to protect your rights and freedoms, but also can help to negotiate with the police and crown prosecution in order to ensure you get a fair shake and the best possible results.

    If you or a loved one has been arrested or charged with drug trafficking, you are strongly advised to be proactive now to make sure your legal rights are fully protected by contacting an experienced Saskatoon drug trafficking lawyer right away.

    It would be a mistake to delay the hiring of a Saskatoon criminal defence drug trafficking charges lawyer. The information you may be able to provide is very often time sensitive.

    This can be ever more pronounced in cases where you are arrested and charged with trafficking along with other potential drug dealers at the same time. You will want to have capable and experienced criminal defence lawyers fighting on your behalf, and on your side to help guide you these severe ramifications for you.

    Contact Saskatoon Drug Trafficking Defence Lawyers Now to Discuss Your Options

    If you are charged with trafficking in controlled substances, you are facing potentially amongst the most serious charges known to the law.

    Canadian federal law prohibits the transportation, delivering, selling, manufacturing, or even possession of very large amounts of any prohibited drugs or controlled substances, including but not limited to:

    • Heroin,
    • Methamphetamine,
    • Cocaine
    • Crack
    • MDMA / ecstasy /molly
    • Unlicensed marijuana.
    • LSD
    • Ketamine
    • Unlicensed trafficking in prescription drugs

    Don’t talk to the police. Call a lawyer.

    The threshold amounts to bump up to trafficking is a judgment call by police and prosecutors and can depend on the information you gave them also. It can sometimes be just a small excess amount on you that can in fact move a case up from a simple drugs possession charge bumped up to the so much more serious drugs trafficking charge.

    Having drugs individually wrapped in small amounts can also lead to the assumption of trafficking and a drugs trafficking charge. However the facts need to be proven by the crown prosecutors and a capable and experienced Saskatoon drugs charges lawyer fighting from your corner may be able to poke holes in the case, or get it thrown out altogether. Speak to a Saskatoon drugs trafficking defence lawyer now.

    The police and crown prosecutors are very aggressive in their efforts on drug trafficking cases. It is one of their greatest focusses and they devote diligent effort and work on it with their goal to put you away and secure a conviction against you.

    Our team of Saskatoon criminal lawyers and drug charges lawyers has the experience and resources necessary to effectively guide you through all the important aspects of your drug trafficking defence case.

    In order to do so, your Saskatoon drug trafficking lawyer will completely analyse and investigate the evidence against you, we will put all of the actions of the police in how they gathered their case against you under a microscope and scrutiny, and then we will be able to determine what the best possible defences are, and zealously represent you to protect your rights and freedoms with every legal recourse available to the full extent of Canadian law.

    Our Saskatoon drugs charges lawyers will be extremely detailed in our investigation of the facts and evidence for your case, which will ensure the highest standard of legal representation for you in defence of the prosecution’s case against you for drugs trafficking.

    Once the evidence is assessed, we will take instructions from you how to proceed and give you all the options. This might in certain cases result in:

    • A negotiation with the crown to have the charges against you dropped or dismissed
    • A negotiation with the crown to have the charges against you reduced
    • A negotiation with the crown to have you enter into available diversion programs (if any)
    • A negotiation with the crown to have you serve probation instead of going to prison

    Other cases do not lend themselves to such negotiations and you may rest assured that if we are proceeding to trial we will vigorously defend you. When a trial is unavoidable, we will defend your legal rights to the fullest.

    There are very important things you need to know about Saskatchewan and Canada drug trafficking laws. First of all be aware that if you are convicted, drug trafficking sentences can involve prison sentences and they can be lengthy.

    You need a capable Saskatoon drugs trafficking lawyer to assist you and look at all the evidence the police have on you. They have to disclose this and this is the first step to see what a Saskatoon criminal defence lawyer can or cannot do.

    One thing that arises in certain circumstances is the ability to negotiate, either based on problems with the prosecutions evidence, and also by providing substantial assistance.

    Your Saskatoon drugs lawyer’s job is to serve you and will provide you all the options. You might not want to be a so called “snitch” and anything you tell your Saskatoon criminal lawyer is totally confidential.

    Our job is to provide you with the alternatives. If you do decide, after proper counsel and consideration, to provide any assistance to the state, this has to be done at the highest level with the crown prosecutor.

    It has to be a binding agreement before any info is given by you. It is generally a mistake to take to the police or try to make any deal with them. They are not bound by any deal they make.

    You may end up “snitching” and still face the full punishment so it needs to be handled very carefully and confidentially. In some case you can avoid a record altogether, in other cases you might still get a record but avoid prison time.

    Again your capable and experienced Saskatoon drug trafficking criminal lawyer has to help you assess all the options, then you make the decisions with all the potential scenarios and outcomes in front of you.

    If you decide that you would rather not provide any kind of state assistance, that is totally up to you. Your Saskatoon drug trafficking lawyer remains on your side to represent you as best as we can. You need to speak to a Saskatoon criminal lawyer right away so as to provide you with the best possible chances in your trial. Do not speak any further with the police. Call a Saskatoon drugs lawyer now at 306-653-7777 for a free and confidential consultation.

    Ordinarily drugs trafficking cases in Saskatchewan will involve extensive evidence collection and an enormous effort and work by the police with lots of disclosure and work for a good Saskatoon criminal lawyer to have to really scour in order to know how to best defend you.

    In fact the best Saskatoon criminal defence lawyers will go through all the evidence and police behaviour with a fine toothed comb in an effort to punch holes in the prosecutor’s and police’s case. There can be arguments made in appropriate cases that a breach of your constitutional rights has occurred pursuant to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    You should speak to a Saskatoon drugs trafficking lawyer right away and get the work started to investigate whether any of your constitutional rights were violated and present your best defence at trial.

    Don’t forget, the prosecutor has to prove every fact beyond a reasonable doubt. Cases are won on so called “technicalities” regularly.

    Saskatoon criminal lawyers can help you. Whether you choose to take your case to trial, choose to make a plea bargain at or before trial or else to provide substantial assistance, you really ought to retain an experienced criminal defence lawyer to protect your rights and freedoms. Call us now for a free initial consultation.

    What will happen to me if I am convicted of drugs offences in Saskatoon?

    Keep in mind also that a charge needs to be proven in court. A conviction for drug trafficking, if secured by the prosecution against you, will have a dramatic effect on your life, even if you are a first time offender or have no past criminal record, particularly if you are sent to prison.

    Penalties vary if convicted, or negotiated plea bargains. To give an idea of potential outcomes, the sentences for a drug trafficking conviction may include:

    • Jail time or imprisonment
    • Large fines
    • Probation
    • Forfeiture of assets and property if obtained with drug money
    •  House arrest
    • Diversion
    • Community service

    Contact an experienced Saskatoon drug possession or drug trafficking lawyer now to schedule a confidential legal consultation regarding your drug trafficking charges.

    You may be currently searching for and even desperate to find and retain for you the very best Saskatoon drug trafficking lawyer to represent you.

    The reality however is that there is no one lawyer in Saskatoon or elsewhere in Saskatchewan who can honestly say that they are the best drug expert defence lawyer or the best Saskatoon criminal lawyer or law firm.

    There are many equally strong and very good criminal defence lawyers in private practice. With such an important decision with your future on the line, the possibility of a criminal record and in many cases jail time, you should always make the decision cautiously and speak to a two or more Saskatoon criminal defence lawyers. Only you can decide which Saskatoon criminal defence lawyer is best for you.

    You need legal knowledge, experience, and toughness in your corner. Merchant Law has offices in Saskatoon, Regina, and Moose Jaw and handles cases all over Saskatchewan. We are in your corner!

    Drug Possession, Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking and Drug Trafficking Defence

    What section of the law addresses drug charges in Canada?

    Drug charges – possession, production, possession for the purpose of trafficking, trafficking, importing, conspiracy, et al –  are covered in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

    Dealing with serious CDSA allegations requires an experienced and patient criminal defence lawyer with an expertise in this specialized area of the law, where lengthy police investigations often involve informants, search warrants, thereby requiring significant disclosure, expert witnesses, and lengthy trials.

    Drug trafficking investigations are lengthy, complex and often involvement informants.  The complexities of the case against you result in additional disclosure.  If disclosure is not offered in a timely manner, this can lead to delays, and delays can lead to acquittals.

    Contact an experienced criminal defence lawyer who has successfully challenged tracking warrants, search warrants, and secured acquittals in serious drug trafficking cases.


    What are the different types of recognized drugs in Canada?

    Schedule I Substances include, but are not limited to the following substances:


    Schedule II Substances include, but are not limited to the following substances:

    Cannabis oil

    Schedule III Substances include, but are not limited to the following substances:

    Magic Mushrooms

    Schedule IV Substances include, but are not limited to the following substances:

    Anabolic Steroids


    What are the different types of drug offences?


    Simple possession can be proven when the accused had knowledge and control of the drug.

    If you are found in possession of a low-quantity of a drug like marihuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, or heroin (i.e. less than 3.5 g of cocaine) and it is your first offence, you may be able to complete Alternative Measures, a program that is designed address drug use, and avoid a criminal record.  It is best to speak to a drug lawyer to determine if you qualify for this program.


    Production is defined as manufacture and cultivation of substances under the CDSA.

    Cultivation includes operating a grow-house, working and helping the plants grow, and involves all stages of the growth process from seed to harvest.

    The manufacture of MDMA, methamphetamine, and other drugs, falls under these offences.  Depending on the circumstances, there have been cases where the Crown could not prove that the Accused had knowledge of the grow operation of meth lab.  Speak to a drug grow operation / meth lab lawyer today.


    Trafficking is the controlled or coordinated movement of a drug, from one person to another.  Even if you had no intention of making money, you can still be convicted of drug trafficking, simply because you aided or abetted in the movement of the drugs.

    Examples of drug trafficking cases include:
    Selling drugs to an informant
    Sharing drugs with a friend
    Helping a friend sell drugs to another friend
    “Middle-manning” a drug transaction between the seller and buyer
    Giving drugs to a friend to hold
    Offering to sell drugs to an undercover police
    Offering to sell drugs, even if the seller had no intention of delivering the drugs
    Selling a chemical as an illegal drug, even though it was or not

    Depending on the quantity and type of drug, you could be looking at a long penitentiary sentence.  The typical sentence for cocaine trafficking is 18 months to 4 years. Contact an experienced drug lawyer to defend you and get you the best outcome possible.


    In order to prove this offence, the Crown must establish that the Accused had the drugs in their possession, with the intention of providing the drugs to others. The Crown must establish knowledge of the drugs, care and control, as well as the intention to traffic the drugs.  As such, there are defences to this charge.  Speak to an experience drug defence lawyer.


    Importation means sending the drug from another drug, into Canada.  Common drugs that are imported into Canada include cocaine (from South America, Jamaica), heroin (Vietnam, Middle-east), and the pre-cursors for methamphetamine (China).


    What are the possible sentences?

    If you are convicted of a serious drug charge like possession, possession for the purpose of trafficking, or trafficking – this can result in serious, life-changing consequences.

    You could be looking at fines, a criminal record, and a possible jail sentence if you are found guilty.

    It all depends on:

    The circumstances of the offence: how much drugs? What kind?

    The circumstances of the offender: age of the offender? Criminal record?

    You may be currently searching for and may even be desperate to find and quickly retain the very best Saskatoon drug trafficking lawyer to represent you. The reality however is that there is no one lawyer in Saskatoon or elsewhere in Saskatchewan who can honestly say that they are the best Saskatoon drug charges lawyer or the best Saskatoon criminal lawyer or the best Saskatoon law firm for that matter. There are many many equally strong and very good Saskatoon criminal defence lawyers in private practice.

    With such an important decision, with your future on the line, the possibility of a criminal record, and in many cases even jail time, you should always make the decision cautiously and speak to at least two or more experienced Saskatoon criminal lawyers. Only you can decide for yourself which Saskatoon criminal lawyer is best for you. We also offer second opinions if you think your lawyer is not doing a good job, it will be completely confidential.

    Our Saskatoon criminal defence lawyers have decades of combined experience defending our clients against criminal charges and allegations and we have succeeded many times for our clients who have faced charges of simple possession, possession for the purpose of trafficking, drug importation, cultivation and production, drug trafficking and any other drug charges. If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges and the possibility of a criminal conviction for any drug related charges contact our law office today and have a confidential consultation with an experienced Saskatoon criminal defence lawyer.

    You should have experienced Saskatoon drugs trafficking lawyers defending you when the chance of being found guilty can have such far reaching consequences, including the loss of your freedoms.

    We can help with criminal charges in Saskatoon and the following locations:

    Kindersley, Melfort, Tisdale, Prince Albert, Humboldt, Nipawin, North Battleford, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Canora, Esterhazy, Martensville, Warman, Rosetown, Outlook, Watrous, Dalmeny, Osler, Langham, Rosthern,  and Delisle.

    Merchant Law has offices in Saskatoon, Regina, and Moose Jaw and our drugs trafficking lawyers and drugs trafficking lawyers handle cases all over Saskatchewan and Canada including simple possession, possession for the purpose of trafficking, smuggling, manufacturing, etc.


    How to Get in Touch

    Call us at 306-653-7777. Fill out the form for email contact within one business day. Or else stop by our offices located at: #920-410 22nd Street East, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5T6. All discussions with your defence lawyer are strictly confidential. We are on your side!