Saskatoon Enduring Power of Attorney

Saskatchewan law provides you with an opportunity to deal in advance with the possibility that a person may become mentally incompetent to handle their own affairs through what is legally known as an Enduring Power of Attorney. The law also provides for an “Enduring Power of Attorney”. This means that you can appoint a person or persons to act for you at such a time as you may become mentally incapable of handling your own financial affairs. For example, a husband and wife may appoint each other as Attorneys to act in the event that either one becomes mentally incapable. They may also designate alternate Powers of Attorney in the same way as they may appoint each other as Personal Representatives with further alternatives under a Will.

If you wish to have an Enduring Power of Attorney drafted, kindly provide your information on the following form and one of our lawyers or staff members will get in touch with you:

The Attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney is a person authorized to act on your behalf with respect to your property and financial affairs:

Alternate Attorney(s)

Click the Submit button below and one of our lawyers or staff members will get in touch with you shortly in order to finalize your Power of Attorney.

Best regards,