When your family is at stake you can’t afford to take chances. The family law team at our Saskatoon law offices have decades of experience both individually and collectively. This translates into skilled and passionate representation for any family law issue you might be facing.
Our team handles:
- Separations and divorces, including high-conflict divorces, or divorces where cruelty has been a factor and protection is required.
- Child custody and access issues, including suits in which parents are seeking sole custody of the children.
- Child support cases, including variation requests.
- Adoptions
- Elder law concerns, including dependent adult applications.
The team includes lawyers Dwayne Z. Braun with nearly 30 years of experience, Michael R. Mantyka with over 25 years of experience, and Timothy E. Turple with nearly 40 years of experience. You’ll be in outstanding hands no matter which Merchant Law lawyer ends up representing your case.
Separations & Divorces
The Divorce Act allows for no-fault divorces, but couples must still establish grounds for a divorce exist. This can be done by proving one of the following:
- Abandonment
- Cruelty (Mental or Physical)
- Adultery
- The couple has lived “separate and apart” for one year.
Living separate and apart without a finalized divorce presents its own issues. Technically, neither courts nor lawyers need to get involved. All that is required is for each spouse to live in a different residence for 365 days.
Even so, separation presents all the same issues divorce does, including questions of asset division, support, and child access. Most couples find it prudent to engage lawyers to draft a formal separation agreement to govern their actions during this time. Often, this agreement can form the basis of the formal divorce agreement later, so it pays to make sure it’s done right. Read more.
Child Custody & Access
Under SK law, both parents have a right to a relationship with their child. However, sometimes one parent serves as a danger to the child either because of domestic violence concerns, mental health concerns, or issues with alcohol and drug abuse.
We can help you protect your children. And we can help you protect your relationship with your children in the face of false allegations. Don’t go into your child custody case without a strong advocate by your side. Call Merchant Law. Read more.
Child Support
On the surface, the federal child support guidelines seem straightforward enough that they would seem to require very little litigation. In reality, “special expenses” and other maneuvers can create a child support payment well beyond a person’s ability to pay.
Of course, the flip side is true as well. If you are the one who will have physical custody of your child you need to know you’re going to have the resources to meet that child’s needs.
Whether we’re helping you negotiate a workable child support arrangement or taking the matter all the way to court to defend your rights (and your bank account), you can rest easy knowing we will be zealous advocates for your interests.
When you adopt a child you become that child’s parent in every sense of the word. Every adoption in Saskatoon requires a judge to sign off on an Order of Adoption certifying the adoption is deemed to be in the child’s best interests.
Every adopting parent must follow multiple steps and procedures. Often, these steps are quite confusing, and they are easy to get wrong. Our family law team can help make the entire process run smoothly so you can bring your child home as quickly as possible.
Dependant Adult Applications
If you are seeking to become the guardian or trustee of an elderly family member who can no longer look after himself or herself you must gather a variety of documents and submit an application. These documents can include medical records, financial assessments, and a criminal background check for the proposed guardian.
If you are getting on in years you may wish to plan ahead for a time when you will need a trusted loved one to look after you. You’d do this by getting our help to draft up a power of attorney statement, as well as a personal directive. This will allow you to choose who handles your affairs before someone else can make the decision for you.
Getting to Our Offices
Our office is located at #920-410 22nd Street East, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5T6. We’re convenient both to SK 5 and SK 11, and are across the street from the Court of Queen’s Bench.
Call (306) 653-7777 to set up a free family law consultation. We’re looking forward to helping you.