Families can be tough. Whether you’re breaking them down or building them up, there are a host of personal and legal issues to sort through.
While there’s an entire industry out there devoted to making you think you can handle your own legal issues with a few cheap internet forms, the truth is nearly every family law issue is far more complex than that.
Small mistakes can cost big, and if you encounter any challenge or opposition you could face personal and financial consequences well in excess of what it would have cost you to just hire a family lawyer to get the job done right.
The family law team in the Surrey office of Merchant Law has been practising family law for many years. We have the experience to help you meet your goals for your next family law action, and we can ensure you are protected against adverse actions the other party may take.
Divorces are never easy. Emotions run high, and the issues can be overwhelming. Defining and dividing marital assets and debts. Pursuing discovery when the other party attempts to hide the same.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Remember, few divorces are “uncontested.” The other party almost always resists one aspect of the proposed divorce settlement or another. We can help you keep your position strong in negotiations, and help you take the case all the way to court if you have to.
Child Access & Custody
There is nothing more frightening than a divorce which includes a bid for full custody. This is true regardless of who is making the bid. Those who seek full custody often fear for the safety of their children. Those left to defend themselves often fear they’ll lose their ability to maintain a relationship with their children.
Our family lawyers will help you strengthen your case to maximize your chances of obtaining optimal results. We can show you how to put your best foot forward, how to defend against spurious claims, and how to prove there’s trouble where trouble exists. Read more.
Child and Marital Support
Both parties want to maintain their standard of living after a divorce. And the children must be cared for.
These realities mean the higher-earning spouse must often send a cheque to the lower-earning spouse each month. When you’re the higher-earning spouse you’ll often fear being assigned support amounts that are so high you won’t be left with anything to live with.
And if you’re the lower-earning spouse, you may fear your ex is going to wriggle out of any sort of obligation, leaving you to struggle in poverty while you rebuild a career you might have sacrificed for the good of the family.
No matter what your position is, Merchant Law can help. We will evaluate your situation, your goals, the facts of the case, and the law to help you either negotiate a settlement that works for you both or convince a judge to see things your way.
Adding a new child to your family is a joyful occasion, but that doesn’t make it a legally simple one. Indeed, there are many confusing steps you must take if your adoption is going to be successful.
Few parents navigate British Columbia’s process without help. This is true for all kinds of adoptions, including adopting babies, older kids out of foster care, or step-children.
Let us give you peace of mind. Working with a lawyer from Merchant Law means you have support every step of the way, and the information you need to succeed.
Elder Care Issues
Planning ahead for a time when you might not be able to see to your own affairs? Trying to look out for a loved one who can’t manage themselves physically or financially any longer?
We can help by setting up power of attorney documents, elder care guardianship arrangements, and more. We can also help in the event one of your family members tries to oppose your guardianship actions.
Getting Help
We’re easy to get to! Visit 303-304 15127 100th Avenue Vancouver, Surrey, BC V3R 0N9, or call us for a consultation on (604) 609-7777. Your initial consultation is free, and we look forward to meeting you.