Many people want to immigrate to British Columbia, but the process isn’t always easy. It’s not uncommon to see an initial denial of your visa application, permanent residency application, or refugee application.
In addition, Canada deports immigrants like any other country, and it’s not uncommon for some aspiring immigrants to face removal orders.
When you’re having trouble with your immigration matter, Merchant Law can help. Most of our immigration lawyers have 20 to 30 years of experience in this area and have a long track record of successful immigration cases under their belt. You won’t be able to solve your immigration issue alone, but you may be able to do so with our help.
Who can appeal a removal order in British Columbia?
You can appeal a removal order if you are a permanent resident of Canada, a foreign national with a permanent resident visa, a Convention Refugee, or a Protected Person. You cannot appeal if you are guilty of serious criminality, nor can you appeal if your removal is being processed for security grounds or for violations of human or international rights.
If you are unsure about whether or not you have a right to appeal, reach out to one of our top-notch immigration lawyers to discuss your case.
How do I appeal my immigration decision in British Columbia?
You’ll need to make your appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) within thirty days of receiving your denial or removal order. It is imperative that you get a lawyer to help you put together your appeal application.
In some cases, an appeal will not be the right strategy. Some immigrants are better off making an entirely new application. You’ll need a lawyer’s help to discover the best course of action for your situation.
How long does the appeal process take in British Columbia?
Your appeal may take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on how things go. This can depend on everything from whether or not your case is handled through Alternative Dispute Resolution to the existing backlog on the court dockets.
Whether or not you will be able to enter or remain in Canada while your case is being appealed will depend on the facts of your case. Consult with your lawyer to find out more.
Why Merchant Law?
Our team of top-notch immigration lawyers is ready to give you your best chance at successful immigration. Call us today to schedule a free consultation so you can begin the process as fast as possible.
Just call (604) 609-7777 to get help with your immigration matter today.