Winnipeg Family Lawyer


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    Are you facing a divorce? Get help from a Merchant Law divorce lawyer. We’ll make sure the process goes smoothly. 

    We will help you navigate and negotiate all the major issues of your divorce, including child support, spousal support, division of assets and debts, and child custody. We specialize in difficult divorces like high net worth divorces and farm divorces.

    We also handle other common family law matters like guardianship, prenuptials, and more.

    How long do you have to be separated before divorce in Manitoba?

    You must be separated for at least one year before you can get a divorce. This means you have lived apart, regardless of whether both spouses wished to live apart.

    Manitoba does make an allowance for a 90 day period in which spouses attempt to cohabit and reconcile once more. If you don’t live together for more than 90 days then the year of separation is not broken.

    You can skip the one year requirement if you can prove adultery or cruelty. In the case of adultery, you must prove that that you did not condone, support, or forgive the adultery in any way. Many couples find it easier to just take the year separation. 

    Can you get a divorce without your spouse’s signature in Manitoba?

    Your spouse doesn’t have to agree to divorce. You serve your spouse with divorce papers. They can respond or not, but they can’t keep you from divorcing you. What they can do is drag out the proceedings by refusing to agree to a divorce settlement.

    Eventually, however, the matter will go before a judge, and when that happens you will still get your divorce.

    Most spouses realize that they cannot hold on to you if you don’t want to be held. The business of negotiating a settlement that addresses the actual issues of the divorce will typically begin at that point. If you work with an experienced family law lawyer they’ll be able to tell you what a reasonable settlement looks like based on your situation, and what the courts are likely to do in the best and worse cases. You can use this information as a launch point for your negotiations. 

    How much does it cost to get a divorce in Manitoba?

    If the divorce is uncontested, that is, you and your spouse both agree on all the major issues of the divorce and aren’t going to fight about anything, then the divorce can cost $2000 or less. 

    Contested divorces are often more expensive, and can cost as much as $25,000.

    To save yourself as much money as possible it’s important to go in with the mindset that you’re there to negotiate a fair settlement and that you’re not necessarily going to get everything you want. The more dispassionate you can be about the process the more likely you are to save money on the divorce itself. 

    Why Merchant Law? 

    When you work with the lawyers at Merchant Law you work with some of the most dedicated, experienced family lawyers in the province. Many of our lawyers have been published in prestigious law reviews, and most have decades of experience. 

    We’ll work hard to protect your interests. Get started today by calling (204) 896-7777 to schedule a free family lawyer consultation.