Collaborative family law is a low-conflict method of resolving the divorce process. It tends to save couples both time and money as they attempt to navigate the major issues of the divorce. It also tends to be easier on the children, as the focus is less on winning and more on creating a workable solution for the dissolution of the marriage that’s workable for all parties.
The collaborative divorce lawyers at Merchant Law are fully trained in the collaborative process. We can help you take advantage of this innovative out-of-court process while protecting your family and your interests.
What’s the difference between collaborative law and mediation?
In mediation there is one lawyer, a mediator, who attempts to bring both spouses into an agreement.
In collaborative law, both you and your spouse still have your own lawyer who will be looking out for your best interests. The process isn’t adversarial, and in fact comes with a “no court” agreement.
If the process fails both spouses have to get a new lawyer, and they both know the matter will have to proceed to court. This usually means both parties are more open and honest, and that both parties are more reasonable.
How does collaborative divorce work?
Collaborative divorce is basically a legally binding commitment to creating a settlement agreement. You will sit down at the table and negotiate with one another. While this is something that happens in any normal divorce settlement the process is more formalized. Both spouses have committed to the process, so it’s also likely to be a lot more successful.
Sometimes other professionals may be brought in to help the process along. For example, it wouldn’t be uncommon for both spouses to bring a financial advisor to the table, in the case of a high net worth collaborative divorce.
How much does collaborative divorce cost?
It will be impossible to predict your final costs because it depends on how many hours it takes you and your spouse to reach an agreement. Still, collaborative divorce is typically significant less expensive than a traditional adversarial divorce. For example, a traditional divorce typically costs up to $25,000, whereas a collaborative divorce may cost no more than $15,000. No divorce will ever be cheaper than an uncontested divorce, of course, but the lack of vitriol makes a difference.
This is because you cannot have a collaborative divorce if both sides don’t agree to participate in one. If both have done so then there’s a greater chance that both parties are going to be a lot more likely to negotiate in a reasonable, successful fashion.
Why Merchant Law?
You’ll be working with lawyers who have decades of family law experience. Our long years of service to families like yours make us savvy negotiators and creative problem solvers. We’re extremely professional and responsive, and we work hard to ensure you succeed.
Get started today by calling (204) 896-7777 to schedule a free consultation.