Posts Tagged ‘traffic news’
News: Crash on NB Shaganappi Tr snarls traffic near Edgemont Bv
CALGARY, AB – A car accident on Shagnappi Trail ahead of Edgemont Boulevard brought northbound traffic to a standstill this afternoon, reports YYC Transportation. UPDATE: Traffic incident on NB Shaganappi Tr approaching Edgemont Bv NW. Expect delays in the area. #yyctraffic #yycroads — YYC Transportation (@yyctransport) April 14, 2021 The accident was reported at…
Read MoreNews: Incident on NB Deerfoot Tr past McKnight Blvd blocks left lane
CALGARY, AB – An incident blocked the left lane of northbound Deerfoot Trail north of McKnight Boulevard this morning, YYC Transportation reports. ALERT: Traffic incident on NB Deerfoot Tr north of McKnight Bv NE, blocking the left lane. #yyctraffic #yycroads — YYC Transportation (@yyctransport) April 13, 2021 The blockage was reported at 3:17 a.m.…
Read MoreNews: Collision blocks ramp from Country Hills Blvd to Beddington Tr
CALGARY, AB – A two-vehicle collision blocked the ramp from eastbound Country Hills Boulevard to southbound Beddington Trail late this afternoon, YYC Transportation reports. ALERT: Two vehicle incident on Country Hills Bv at Beddington Tr NW, partially blocking the EB to SB ramp. #yyctraffic #yycroads — YYC Transportation (@yyctransport) April 5, 2021 The incident was…
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